Re: UnixWare

Marc W. Mengel (
Tue, 26 Apr 94 17:07:12 -0600

In <>  you write:
  Carl Corey says:
  > I am currently in the position of allowing public access to a 486 running
  > UnixWare.  Does anyone have a list of bugs that affect it?  The system will
  > be accessable via dialup _and_ tcp ... If anyone has information regarding
  > what bugs it has, and what version they are fixed in (or patch IDs, etc)
  > ... please e-mail me or post to the list.  Thanks.

  In general, its safer to plan a system to be as inherently secure as
  possible rather than trying to chase the bugs as they arise.

I'll add to this my (perhaps to often repeated) suggestion to set the machine
up with as few things running as root as possible.  Mailers should run as
"uucp" or "daemon" and be group mail, ps and friends should be setgid kmem
and /dev/kmem should be group kmem, very few things, if any, in inetd.conf
should be running as root.  (One notices, for example, that most of 
the services in most inetd.conf files run as root, but other than those
that need to authenticate and log in users (i.e. telnetd, ftpd, etc.) hardly 
any of them need to be...

So if anyone breaks your finger daemon, and finger runs as "nobody", they
can't do much.
